Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ESG - 內建 IP-Centrex 收容能力的 IP-PBX

Introducing the ESG-17xx series Smart Gateway which is an advanced IP-PBX with embedded support for NGN IP-Centrex trunking service lines. ESG-17xx series Smart Gateway is specially suitable for small and medium sizes businesses (SMBs) full IP-based corporate telephony uses.

See the brief introduction slides below:

In additional, reviewing the good of using IP-PBX in geo-distributed multi-site businesses and organizations. And the current best Taiwan-made VoIP product range from here:

ESG-17xx Smart Gateway product brochure can be downloaded from here (pdf, 15MB).

Suilah, that's it.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

多據點企業的網路式電話技術 (VoIP for Multi-site Businesses)

有沒有什麼樣的電信技術可以協助管理營運一個設有多處營業據點的企業呢?有的,Suilah 與您分享這個訊息,網路式電話技術 (VoIP) 的採用正是這樣的一個解決方案!

Suilah 整合提供的 VoIP 網路式的電話技術已經協助了許多『多據點企業』成功有效地提升了企業團隊的連絡溝通效率,並減輕了遠距離電信費負擔以及各據點相異設備維護的麻煩:
  • 多據點門市 / 百貨專櫃銷售業
  • 連鎖店 / 加盟事業
  • 會議展覽業
  • 船務航運業
  • 物流業
  • 旅行社
  • 印刷業
  • 營建工程 / 建設公司
  • 不動產房屋代銷仲介
  • 跨國企業 / 國際貿易 &...

採用 VoIP 技術建置的企業網路式電話管理系統非常適合多門市銷售的業者。
圖示為一採用 IP-PBX 建議方案的成功案例。

在 我們可以支援您豐富的經驗和專業的技術,為您評估和量身打造適合於您的企業網路式電話系統的最佳方案。有任何關於網路式電話技術 (IP-PBX, IP phone, etc.) 的疑問或需求,歡迎您隨時跟 我們連絡。



Suilah, that's it.

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Juiker - Secure to talk? - Part 2

Following our discussion in the last post - Juiker - Secure to talk? We would like to get a closer look at how to obtain a better communication security. And conclude by re-thinking of the security issues of using those free VoIP / mobile instant messaging apps, e.g. Skype, BBM, WhatsApp, Viber, LINE, Juiker, etc.

How to obtain a better communication security? We would like to exam this issue and present our solutions in two aspects: Technical and strategical.

In technical aspect:

Any voice, video, text, graph or data communications without any encryption techniques applied during the transmission are simply unprotected. Anyone who can tap the transmission wire or gather all the transmitted packets can easily intercept, listen to, eavesdrop or copy the content of communication. Therefore, maintaining a dedicated secured wire connection or having all the transmitted signals or packets encrypted are two very basic techniques to make a secure communication.

While maintaining a dedicated secure wire communication network is inconvenient and too costly, encryption is used as a relatively convenient, effective and practical method to secure communications. Encrypting your signals or packets of voice, video, text, graph or data before transmitting over the public wire / wireless communication networks (e.g. PSTN, PLMN, VPN, Internet, etc.) is the way to go for secure communications.

Most of the popular apps for free mobile voice / video calls and text messaging services have their transmission encrypted. BBM, Skype, and WhatsApp are some examples of those do encryption. By now, we do not know whether or not LINE and Juiker support encrypted transmissions. For those who have concerns of communication security, using transmission encrypted apps is a smarter choice.

Examples of free apps that support encrypted transmission VoIP features -
BBM (left), WhatsApp (center), CSIPSimple (right).

Besides, using an IP-PBX and IP phone system that supports encryption (e.g. SRTP, ZRTP, ect.) is also a considerable solution of secure telephony technology to protect your own business secrets and private communication freedom. For those who have geographic-distributed multi-site business facilities and concern about site-to-site communication security, using encrypted VPN connection tunnel technology (e.g. IPSec, SSL, etc.) can be the solution.

Encrypted transmission feature supported IP-PBX from

One thing to note - There is hardly a 100% absolute secure encryption technique. Sooner or later it can be decrypted by someone who is interested in and intended to knowing the content of communication. For example, one may resolve the original encryption key by using computer try-and-error decryption attempt after a certain period of time (say 3, 6, or 10+ years, sooner or later). Therefore, encryption shall be taken only as a relatively more secure way of communications, that can protect secrets over a period of time depending on the strength of encryption technique applied and the decryption computing power. Absolute secrets or absolutely sensitive matters should keep away from any telecommunication means all the time.

In strategical aspect:

Other than using encryption techniques, there are also some strategies that we can take to relatively improve communication security or reduce possibility of being snooped, eavesdropped or intercepted.

One of the strategies is to maintain and use your own communication devices, especially those terminal and core devices that handle the raw unencrypted voice, data or packets. Using your own on-premises IP-PBX, hard-phone and/or soft-phone equipment with trustful encryption features in a communication system is an example of possible solution architectures. The key points are to ensure that
  • Unencrypted signals or data packets are handled and carried only on your own devices (e.g. your own on-premises switching equipment, IP-PBX, servers, LAN, etc.).
  • All signals or data packets are encrypted before they go passing through devices and networks of other's own (e.g. telco's equipment, PSTN, PLMN, Internet, etc.).
  • The encryption functionality in-use is reliable, trustful and even verifiable (e.g. open-source ZRTP protocol).

If you still have to use those communication apps / devices / platforms / services-in-the-cloud of someone else's own (e.g. Skype, BBM, WhatsApp, LINE, Juiker, etc.), the competition / conflict avoidance strategy shall be quite helpful to keep your communication better secured. The key point is to avoid using devices and/or services provided from whom have competition or interest conflict with you.
  • Avoid putting your communication on and through a system managed by someone who is interested in and intended to knowing your secrets. This is quite an effective non-technical strategy that people sometimes forget to use.

For example, Apple's CEO probably will not use Google's Gmail for email on business. Google's CEO probably will not use Apple's FaceTime nor Microsoft's Skype for business telephony communications. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) may not use communication apps or services from competitors' countries, because TSMC is one of the leaders in the semiconductor manufacturing industry among countries today. Using communication apps or services managed from competitors' countries may cause a higher possibility of information leakage.


Who hosts and manages BBM, LINE or Juiker? Whom do you want to prevent from knowing your secrets? Who is most likely to snoop your communications? You can easily determine whether or note an app is suitable or relative more secure for you by answering these questions. Take Juiker as an example. Juiker is made and hosted by Taiwan's ITRI. How well will it fit Taiwaner's needs for convenient and secure communications at the moment now?

Hopefully the above descriptions can help to build a better understanding of communication security and improve our ability to secure communications. Welcome discussions and further inquiries for technical support and VoIP products from

Suilah, that's it.

Related story on Juiker - Secure to talk? - Part 1

Related reference resources:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Juiker - Secure to talk?

這陣子以來,台外 (台灣內、外及國際間,簡稱台外) 新聞媒體揭露了許多『政府非法監聽人民電話』的案件,使得人們又再度關心起『秘密通信的自由』這件事。人們的想法與行為常常是具有雙重標準又互相矛盾的 - 人們總是希望保有隱私,人們也總是喜歡窺探別人的隱私 (可以廣義的講包含個人的隱私、公司的營業秘密、競賽的策略、軍事機密、... 等)。

隨著電信 (telecom) 技術的發展,電話雖然仍是很重要、方便又常用的通信方法,今日人們在使用傳統電話之外已經有更多的電信通信 (telecommunications) 方法了,例如:電子批 (email),手機即時簡訊 (mobile instant messaging),社群網站圖文影音分享 (social network sharing),... 等等。而且『電話』也不再只有傳統的那種形式了,電話已經從『固網市話 (fixed-line telephone / POTS)』衍生到有『行動電話 (mobile phone)』、『網路電話 (VoIP)』和『影像電話 (video call)』等形式的電話了。以技術用語來講,每一通電話接通的方式不再只有傳統的『線路交換 (circuit-switched)』技術,也已經有採用『封包交換 (packet-switched) + 網際網路協定 (IP)』技術的網路電話了。

剛好也是這陣子,台灣的工業技術研究院 (ITRI) 四處大聲地在廣告她們所出品的『免費網路電話和即時簡訊』的手機通信 app,叫做『Juiker (揪科)』。Android 手機用戶可以在 Google Play 這裡看到這支 app 的簡介和一些用戶評語,iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) 用戶同樣的可以在 Apple iTunes 這裡看到這支 app。

VoIP app Juiker provided by ITRI, Taiwan

Juiker 的功能跟 Skype、BBM、WhatsApp、Viber、LINE 是類似的,她們都提供在手機或 PC 上免費的語音電話 (或影像電話) 和文字簡訊 (text messaging) 服務。就電話的功能來講,她們都是屬於網路電話 (VoIP) 技術的、不是傳統線路交換式的電話。眾多提供即時簡訊通信功能的 app 的簡介與比較可以參考維基百科上面整理的這個比較表 - Comparison of instant messaging clients.

很多台人朋友單純基於『愛台灣、挺台灣』的信念,很反射動作地就幫忙宣傳推廣使用 Juiker。可是,如同這陣子人們對通信保密、電話安全的重視, 我們也想要就這個項目來分析討論,看看『真正愛台灣的人們』現階段到底適合不適合使用 Juiker 呢?有沒有什麼簡單的技巧可以提高我們通信的保密性、降低被非法偷聽的機率?How to improve our telephone and communication security? How to avoid unlawful wiretapping and eavesdropping?

請待後回分曉~ We will continue the talk in the next post.

Suilah, that's it.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013


A quick comparison of IP-PBX vs. TDM-PBX, see the feature table below. (IP-PBX vs. TDM-PBX / 網路電話總機與傳統電話總機的比較,請看下列特點比較表。)

IP-PBX vs. TDM-PBX quick feature comparison / 網路電話交換機與傳統電話交換機的特點比較表
Courtesy 台灣苗栗縣政府教育處

Suilah, that's it.

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